

Online whiteboard for education

Dojoit's online whiteboard for education makes remote and in-class learning easy, engaging, and fun.


Engage students beyond the classroom

Seamlessly transition between classroom and remote learning. Dojoit enables flexibility and new ways to stimulate active participation and learning. From real-time lectures to homework Dojoit makes any session more engaging. 



Inspire innovation

From lecturing to presentations to collaboration, Dojoit enables new opportunities for hybrid learning. Unlock new methods to make remote learning feel more real and more connected.


Dojoit's online whiteboard is optimized for education

Cultivate engagement 

Enable richer interactions between students, the teacher and the course material 

Minimal learning curve

Dojoit’s ease of use lets everyone get up and running quickly. We've simplified the user experience to make both techies and non-techies comfortable.

Promote shared expression 

Integrate mind and thought for free-flowing exploration and creativity 

Facilitate Faculty


Run collaborative faculty meetings to ideate and align objectives, procedures, curricula, and lesson plans. Return to shared boards to fine-tune over time. 


Capture Notes and Ideas in Real-Time

Dojoit’s ease and speed of use let you and your students take and share notes on the fly – easily keeping up with the flow of information. Add images and screenshots to improve recollection and absorption.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use an online whiteboard in online teaching?

Online whiteboards are an innovative way to increase engagement in the classroom. With an infinite canvas, teachers can create content that is accessible to anyone with a personal device! Students get access from anywhere in their classroom or home so they never miss out on important information again.

How do I use a whiteboard in online teaching?

An online whiteboard, like Dojoit, expands the capabilities of a physical whiteboard. With an online whiteboard you can make online lessons more interactive by giving students an opportunity to write, draw and visualize concepts – regardless of their location. An online whiteboard also allows all students to participate and collaborate at the same level. And unlike a physical whiteboard you don’t lose any erased ideas or concepts – everything is stored.

How do I use a whiteboard for online tutoring?

With an online whiteboard you can guide your students through their assignments and make sure everyone keeps up with the course curriculum. Share a whiteboard canvas in real time with your student via their respective computers/tablets. And if the content isn’t student-specific, teach multiple students simultaneously. Upload documents like test prep questions or presentation slides and draw on the screen freely as you would on paper. Students can revisit the board at any time to improve recollection and absorption of the materials.

How do I use Dojoit if I’m already using Zoom?

Dojoit complements Zoom (or any video conferencing application). Simply paste the board URL into the Zoom chat. Students click to request access and you let them in to the board. With everyone logged into Dojoit there is no need for screensharing. Instead keep students engaged by asking them to add ideas to the board – just like a physical whiteboard.


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